2015年5月12—13日,朱敏参加在瑞典乌普萨拉大学举行的“早期脊椎动物演化研究中的古生物学和分子学方法”学术研讨会,并以《The Silurian Xiaoxiang Vertebrate Fauna-a window to explore the early evolution of jawed vertebrates》为题作报告。
2019年 组织主办第15届早期脊椎动物国际学术研讨会。
Nostolepisscale remains (stem Chondrichthyes) from the Lower Devonian of Qujing, Yunnan,China, PeerJ, 2021, 通讯作者
Modeling scale morphogenesis in a Devonianchondrichthyan and scale growth patterns in crown gnathostomes, Journal ofVertebrate Paleontology, 2021, 通讯作者
滇东志留系-泥盆系界线与肺鱼-四足动物分歧点的最小时间约束, The Silurian-Devonian boundary in East Yunnan (South China) andthe minimum constraint for the lungfish tetrapod split, SCIENCE CHINA EarthSciences, 2021, 通讯作者
Redescription of the Sanqiaspidae(Galeaspida) from the Lower Devonian of South China and its biostratigraphicsignificance, Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments, 2021, 通讯作者
Tracing the genetic footprints ofvertebrate landing in non-teleost ray-finned fishes, Cell, 2021, 通讯作者
Semantic segmentation of vertebratemicrofossils from computed tomography data using a deep learning approach, Journalof Micropalaeontology, 2021, 通讯作者
A new Silurian fish close to the commonancestor of modern gnathostomes, Current Biology, 2021, 通讯作者
Current Biology,2021, 第 7 作者
鱼类微体化石三维数据采集以及基于深度学习的数据分析方法, 3D DataCollection of Fish Microfossils and Data Analysis, BIO-101, 2021, 通讯作者
Early Silurian chondrichthyans from theTarim Basin (Xinjiang, China), PLoS One, 2020, 通讯作者
New material of thelodonts from Lochkovian(Lower Devonian) of Qujing, Yunnan, China, Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 2020,通讯作者
A redescription of the Silurian Sinogaleaspisshankouensis (Galeaspida, stem-Gnathostomata) from Jiangxi, China, VertebrataPalAsiatica, 2020, 通讯作者
ADMorph: A 3D Digital MicrofossilMorphology Dataset for Deep Learning, IEEE Access, 2020, 通讯作者
国内外古脊椎动物数据库综述, 高校地质学报, 2020, 通讯作者
Scale morphology and squamation pattern of Guiyuoneiros provide new insights into early osteichthyan body plan, ScientificReports, 2019, 通讯作者
Reappraisal of the Silurian placoderm Silurolepisand insights into the dermal neck joint evolution, Royal Society OpenScience, 2019, 通讯作者
The postparietal shield of the Pragiandipnomorph Arquatichthys and itsimplications for the rhipidistiancranial anatomy, Palaeoworld, 2019, 通讯作者
VPPDB: Hosting the Data for VertebratePaleoanthropology, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2019, 通讯作者
The circulatory system of Galeaspida(Vertebrata; stem-Gnathostomata), Palaeoworld, 2019, 通讯作者
A reappraisal of the Silurian galeaspids(stem-Gnathostomata) from Tarim Basin, Xinjiang, Vertebrata PalAsiatica,2019, 第 2 作者
The posterior cranial portion of theearliest known Tetrapodomorph Tungsenia paradoxa and the early evolutionof tetrapodomorph endocrania, Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 2019, 通讯作者
A review of Silurian fishes fromnorth-western Hunan, China and related biostratigraphy, Acta GeologicaPolonica, 2018, 通讯作者
Redescription of Phymolepis cuifengshanensis(Antiarcha: Yunnanolepididae) using high-resolution computed tomography and newinsights into anatomical details of the endocranium in antiarchs, PeerJ,2018, 通讯作者
New polybranchiaspiform fishes (Agnatha:Galeaspida) from the Middle Palaeozoic of China and their ecomorphologicalimplications, PloS One, 2018, 通讯作者
人类颌骨源何处, 科学,2017, 第 2 作者
人类的面孔如何从鱼形祖先演化而来?, 科学通报, 2017, 通讯作者
A new osteichthyan from the late Silurianof Yunnan, China, PloS One, 2017, 通讯作者
The evolution of the zygomatic bone fromAgnatha to Tetrapoda, The Anatomical Record, 2017, 通讯作者
A Devonian tetrapod-like fish revealssubstantial parallelism in stem tetrapod evolution, Nature Ecology &Evolution, 2017, 第 1 作者
A new antiarch placoderm from the Emsian(Early Devonian) of Wuding, Yunnan, China, Alcheringa, 2017, 通讯作者
A new stem sarcopterygian illuminatespattern of character evolution in early bony fishes, Nature Communications,2017, 通讯作者
我们的祖先从水里来——硬骨鱼类起源与早期演化研究进展, 自然杂志, 2016, 通讯作者
A Silurian maxillate placoderm illuminatesjaw evolution, Science, 2016, 第 1 作者
Early gnathostome phylogeny Revisited:Multiple method consensus, PloS One, 2016, 通讯作者
A Devonian predatory fish provides insightsinto the early evolution of modern sarcopterygians, Science Advances,2016, 通讯作者
The Oldest Actinopterygian Highlights theCryptic Early History of the Hyperdiverse Ray-Finned Fishes, Current Biology,2016, 通讯作者
Redescription of Yinostius major (Arthrodira:Heterostiidae) from the Lower Devonian of China, and the interrelationships ofBrachythoraci, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2016, 通讯作者
A new Early Devonian lungfish from Guangxi,China, and its palaeogeographic significance, Alcheringa, 2015, 通讯作者
A streamlined jawless fish (Galeaspida)from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, China and its taxonomic and paleoecologicalimpliations, Vertebrata PalAsistica, 2015, 通讯作者
New genomic and fossil data illuminate theorigin of ename, Nature, 2015, 第 3 作者
Copulation in antiarch placoderms and theorigin of gnathostome internal fertilization, Nature, 2015, 第 4 作者
A new petalichthyid placoderm from theEarly Devonian of Yunnan, China, Comptes Rendus Palevol, 2015, 通讯作者
Bone gain and loss: Insights from genomesand fossils, National Science Review, 2014, 第 1 作者
The largest Silurian vertebrate and itspalaeoecological implications, Scientific Reports, 2014, 通讯作者
中国古脊椎动物志. 第1卷. 鱼类. 第1册, 无颌类:总第1册, 科学出版社, 2015-01, 第 1 作者
A review of the Silurian fishes from China,with comments on the correlation of fish-bearing strata, Earth ScienceFrontiers, 2014, 第 2 作者
A Silurian placoderm with osteichthyan-likemarginal jaw bones, Nature, 2013, 第 1 作者
A redescription of Kiangyousteus yohii(Arthrodira: Eubrachythoraci) from the Middle Devonian of China, with remarkson the systematics of the Eubrachythoraci, Zoological Journal of LinneanSociety, 2013, 通讯作者
Scales and dermal skeletal histology of anearly bony fish Psarolepis romeri and their bearing on the evolution of rhombicscales and hard tissues, PLoS One, 2013, 通讯作者
The earliest known stem-tetrapod from theLower Devonian of China, Nature Communications, 2012, 通讯作者
The origin of the vertebrate jaw:intersection between developmental biology-based model and fossil evidence., ChineseScience Bulletin, 2012, 通讯作者
Fossil fishes from China provide firstevidence of dermal pelvic girdles in osteichthyans, PloS One, 2012, 第 1 作者
Earliest known coelacanth skull extends therange of anatomically modern coelacanths to the Early Devonian, NatureCommunications, 2012, 第 1 作者
An antiarch placoderm shows that pelvicgirdles arose at the root of jawed vertebrates, Biology Letters, 2012, 第 1 作者
Fossil jawless fish from China foreshadowsearly jawed vertebrate anatomy, Nature, 2011, 通讯作者
Geochemical stratigraphy and microvertebrateassemblage sequences across the Silurian/Devonian transition in South China. ActaGeologica Sinica (English Edition), 2011, 通讯作者
Cranial anatomy of a primitive osteichthyanPsarolepis based on high-resolution computed tomography. Journal ofVertebrate Paleontology, 31(Special Issue: SI): 177,2011, 通讯作者
Middle Palaeozoic vertebrate biogeography,palaeogeography and climate (IGCP Project 491). Palaeoworld, 2010,19(1-2): 1-205. Special Issue. 第一作者
Carbon isotope stratigraphy across theSilurian-Devonian transition in Zoige (West Qinling), China. Bollettinodella Società Paleontologica Italiana, 2010, 49: 35-45. 通讯作者
Meemannia eos, a basal sarcopterygian fish from the Lower Devonian of China–expanded description and significance. In: Elliott, D. K., Maisey, J. G., Yu,X.-B. &Miao, D.-S. (eds.), Morphology, Phylogeny and Paleobiogeography ofFossil Fishes. München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Peel, 2010: 199-214. 第一作者
A new antiarch fish from the Upper DevonianZhongning Formation of Ningxia, China. Palaeoworld, 2010, 19: 136-145,通讯作者
Silurian atmospheric O2 changes and theearly radiation of gnathostomes. Palaeoworld, 2010, 19: 146-159,通讯作者
Cranial morphology of the Siluriansarcopterygian Guiyu oneiros (Gnathostomata: Osteichthyes). ScienceChina: Earth Science, 2010, 53: 1836–1848,通讯作者]
A basal antiarch (placoderm fish) from theSilurian of Qujing, Yunnan, China. Palaeoworld, 2010, 19(1-2): 129-135,通讯作者
A new antarctaspid arthrodire (placodermfish) from the Lower Devonian of Guangxi, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica,2010, 48(2): 101-110, 第一作者
脊椎动物起源与早期演化. 见:“10000个科学难题”地球科学编委会. 10000个科学难题, 地球科学卷. 北京: 科学出版社, 2010, 191-195. (Zhu, M. The origin and early evolution ofvertebrates. In: 10000 Selected Problems in Sciences-Earth Science. Beijing:Science Press, 2010: 191-195). 第一作者
The oldest articulated osteichthyan revealsmosaic gnathostome characters. Nature, 2009, 458:469-474,第一作者
Stem sarcopterygians have primitivepolybasal fin articulation. Biology Letters, 2009, 3: 372-275,第一作者
有颌脊椎动物早期分化的化石实证. 见:沙金庚(主编), 世纪飞跃——辉煌的中国古生物学(纪念中国古生物学会成立80周年). 北京: 科学出版社, 2009:231-237. (Zhu, M. Evidnence for the early diversification of gnathostomes. In:Sha, J.-G. (ed.), Flying across Century-The splendent Paleontology in China.Beijing: Science Press, 2009: 231-237.),第一作者
鱼类部分. 见: 全国科学技术名词审定委员会审定. 古生物学名词(第二版). 北京: 科学出版社, 2009: 72-81. (Zhu, M. Pisces. In: Chinese terms in Palaeontology(Second Edition). Beijing: Science Press, 2009: 72-81.) 第一作者
A new Devonian Tetrapodomorph fish and itsbearing on the fish-tetrapod transition. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology,2009, 29(Supplement: S): 207A. 第一作者
第五章, 古生物学思想史. 见:涂光炽(主编), 地学思想史. 湖南教育出版社, 2007 : 147-185. (Zhu, M. &Yu, X.-B. 2007. Chapter 5, The history of paleontologic thoughts. In: Tu, G.-Z.(ed.), The history of geoscientific thoughts. Hunan Education Press, 2007:147-185.) 第一作者
第五章, 古脊椎动物. 见: 童金南, 殷鸿福(主编), 古生物学. 高等教育出版社,2007 : 131-163. (Zhu, M. Chapter 5, Vertebrate Palaeontology. In: (Tong, J.-N.& Yin, H.-F. (eds.), Palaeontology. Higher Education Press, 2007: 131-163.)第一作者
A primitive fish provides key charactersbearing on deep osteichthyan phylogeny. Nature, 2006, 441: 77-80.第一作者
肉鳍鱼类的早期辐射与跨古大洋分布. 见:戎嘉余(主编),生物的起源、辐射与多样性演变—华夏化石记录的启示. 北京: 科学出版社, 2006: 399-416(中文), 885-887(英文). (Zhu, M. & Zhao, W.-J. Early diversification ofsarcopterygians and trans-Panthalassic Ocean distribution. In: Rong, J.-Y.(ed.), Originations and Radiations-Evidences from the Chinese Fossil Record.Beijing: Science Press, 2006: 399-416, 885-887.) 第一作者
The origin of the internal nostril oftetrapods. Nature, 2004, 432: 94-97. 第一作者
Lower jaw character transitions among majorsarcopterygian groups – a survey based on new materials from Yunnan, China. In:Arratia, G.; Cloutier, R. & Wilson, M. V. H. (eds.), Recent advances in theorigin and early radiation of vertebrates. —Honoring Hans-Peter Schultze.München: Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, 2004: 271-286. 第一作者
A primitive fish close to the commonancestor of tetrapods and lungfish. Nature, 2002, 418: 767-770. 第一作者
First Devonian tetrapod from Asia. Nature,2002, 420: 760-761.第一作者
A primitive sarcopterygian fish with aneyestalk. Nature, 2001, 410: 81-84. 第一作者
Interrelationships of basal osteichthyans.In: Ahlberg, P. (ed.), Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution. London:Taylor & Francis, 2001: 289-314. 第一作者
硬骨鱼类起源与早期演化研究. 中国科学院院刊, 2001, 16: 44-46. (Zhu, M. Study on the origin and early evolutionof osteichthyans. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2001, 16:44-46. ) 第一作者
追寻四亿年前四足动物的祖先. 见: 深海潜鱼4亿年-导读. 台湾, 2001:14-19. (Zhu, M. Searching for the ancestor of tetrapod before 400 Millionyears. In: A fish caught in time. Taiwan, 2001: XIV-XIX.) 第一作者
Catalogue of Devonian vertebrates in China,with notes on bio-events. Courier Forschunginstitut Senckenberg, 2000,223: 373-390. 第一作者
寻找硬骨鱼类的祖先. 见:沙金庚, 朱敏(主编), 创新者的报告(第5集), 古生物学研究成果专集. 北京: 科学出版社, 2000: 12-21. (Zhu, M. Searching for the ancestor of bony fishes.In: Sha, J.-G. & Zhu, M. (eds.), Innovators’ Report (5). Beijing: SciencePress, 2000: 12-21.) 第一制作
A primitive fossil fish sheds light on theorigin of bony fishes. Nature, 1999, 397: 607-610. 第一作者
隔离分化生物地理学译文集. 北京: 大百科全书出版社, 1996: 1-326. (Chow, M.-C., Chang, M.-M., Chen, Y.-Y. & Zhu, M.(eds.). Collection of Translated Papers on Vicariance. Beijing: EncyclopediaPress, 1996: 1-340,共同主编
Un onychodontide (Vertebrata,Sarcopterygii) du Dévonien inférieur de Chine. Comptes Rendus de l'Academiedes Sciences, Serie II, 1994, 319 (8): 951-956. 第一作者
哈拉吉卡掠鱼(Harajicadectes zhumini),这一物种的种名献给了朱敏。
诺贝尔基金会副主席 Staffan Normark 院士评)